Update your Helo Smart App
Enjoy the latest helpful features

To continue providing excellent support for our device and app users, we have recently updated the Helo Smart app. Update your app now to enjoy these useful features, which you will find in the Info tab.

User guides, tutorials, and more
You can now access specific tutorials for each Helo device and the Helo Smart app. When you access each subcategory — LifeWatch G2, Watch Lite SE, BioSense, Leggera and HeloSmart app — the app sends you to the dedicated page for each one.

Technical support
You can now create a support ticket within the app, which goes directly to the support team. To submit the form, enter a subject, choose a topic, and enter an issue description. Please be generous with details.
After you submit the ticket, it will go to our support system. A Helo Health agent will investigate the issue and contact you with a resolution or request additional information.

Direct Links
We have also added direct links to the Helo InfoCenter and the official Helo website inside the Info section.

View InfoCenter Tutorial

Other useful updates:
1. Fixed an issue affecting BioSense firmware update on Android 14
2. Optimization of general functions and data synchronization

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